Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts

Sunday, January 3, 2021

download VIDEO STREAMING tool

 There are many different type of download video streaming tool.  I believe many people used it before, but I still wants to share it to you. 

Before introduce this tool, I would like to teach how to capture video streaming file from browse. I believe from people would know that when I mention about browser you would reflect it to devtool, well that's right. I am using the devtool to teach how to capture the stream, which is pretty good tool to used.

I like to used YouTube as an example, please notice that youtube steaming split the audio and video stream into two part, the file for video will be webm, and audio would be weba. 

Today many web development's security are improvement, some site would not be easy to capture. 


1. Lauch your site to youtube and click any video you like

2. left click and presss "inspect"

3. go to "network" and go to xhR 

you can see there is a playlist, click on it, you will see the url requst, and content type to make sure it's video type. Note that each pair will have one video one audio stream. 

4. select the url and right click to direct to the page and download it. (downlaod both audio and video)

The next thing I wants to intoduce the tool, whic is FFMPEG, this is an oepnsource tool, but it's not GUI, you need to type this command. This tool is to convert the file to any format you like. If you have a mp4 file, and can also convert to mp3. You don't have to used any other tool. 

Got to this page to download it:

You can click on documentation to understand more command. 

I will only teach you 2 command: 

1. convert single file: ffmpeg -i filename xxx.[mp3 or mp4 or any file you want)

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 mysong.mp3

2. convert audio and video and merge into one file. 

ffmpeg -i video.webm -i audio.weba -c:v copy -c:a aac myvideo.mp4

After you know the command, and download ffmpeg tool, put the two file you download from youtube and copy it into the same directory and used the second command will be able to see the video. 

But there is another tool you can use it's much easier, called youtube-dl, command is youtube-dl "youtube url" that's it, you don't need to open devtool. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015



雲端應用[cloud storage relate  
[大家最常用的: ]
Google Drive
Asus Storage : 可以傳上去,去ibon 印東西
Pcloud: 可以分享給朋友上傳或下載

遠端連線程式[remote control tool]
Xshell 4
tera team
Moba Xterm [類似 putty]
winscp [window 可以下載或上傳到 linux,類似FTP]

雲端Terminal 可以寫不同語法

Coogle [心智圖-collaborative mind-mapping tool ]
DrawExpress Diagram [線上製作流程圖flow chart diagram] [線上製作流程圖 flow chart diagram]
Mindly  [心智圖-collaborative mind-mapping tool ]
XMind 7 [軟體工程圖,UMLdigram]

Saturday, November 8, 2014

34 Free Cloud Storage Services

34 Free Cloud Storage Services

Please go to reference website to see more cloud storage

2. Pydio
3. Hive
4. MediaFire
5. pCloud
6. SurDoc
7. Dump Truck
8. Dropbox
9. Box
10. SeaCloud
12. Copy
13. PromptFile
14. FlipDrive
15. Google Drive
16. OneDrive
17. Mightyupload
18. Amazon Cloud Drive
19. HiDrive
20. Cubby
21. OziBox
22. StreamNation
23. ADrive
24. Yandex.Disk
