Friday, March 13, 2015

Window partition/disk problem command

Setup was unable to create a new system partition. [安裝過程無法刪除partition]

Sometimes, when install OS, system had detect HDD, but is unable to delete or inital partition, so we have to delete manual by these step: 
(SHIFT+F10) to get a CMD window
or by repair your computer as below picture to enter to cmd prompt

DiskPart <ENTER>
list disk <ENTER>
select disk 0 <ENTER>
clean <ENTER>
create partition primary align=1024 <ENTER>
format fs=ntfs <ENTER> (Will Take a While)
assign <ENTER>
active <ENTER>
exit <ENTER>
exit <ENTER> 

BMC Command (ipmitool command)

Thais are command of ipmi using bmc, will commonly used. .
Command is able to work fdor local and remote.
If occur ipmitool sel ==>means local, if command no ip means local. .
If occur ipmitool -H ==>means remote

1) Show SEL
ipmitool sel

2) show BMC ip information
ipmitool lan print

3) reset bmc ip
ipmitool raw 06 02

4)set bmc ip to static and set ip address
ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc static
ipmitool lan set 1 ipaddr

5)power consumption( power on, off, reboot)
ipmitool -H 'ip address'  -U USERID -P PASSW0RD -I lanplus chassis  [power off| power on |reset]

ipmitool -H -U USERID -P PASSW0RD -I lanplus chassis  power off
ipmitool -H -U USERID -P PASSW0RD -I lanplus chassis  power on
ipmitool -H -U USERID -P PASSW0RD -I lanplus chassis  power reset
ipmitool -H -U USERID -P PASSW0RD -I lanplus chassis  power status

6)show sensor
ipmitool sensor

7) fw cersion
ME: ipmitool -b 0x6 -t 0x2c raw 0x06 0x04
BMC: ipmitool mc info | grep "Firmware Revision"
CPLD: ipmitool raw 0x3c 0x58

8) fru version
ipmitool fru

IPMI RAW command

0x02 GET LAN Config
0x01 Channel Num
0x04 IP Source(Selector)
0x00 not use set Selector
0x00 not require block num
Response 指令格式 "NetFnCode CommandCode CopmpletionCode Data .."
Ex.0x0D 0x02 0x00 0x01
0x0D Response Transport Media-specific configuration & control
0x02 GET LAN Config
0x00 Command Completed Successful
0x01 IP source is Static
## NetFn code
0x00(request), 0x01(Response) Chassis
0x02(request), 0x03(Response) Bridge
0x04(request), 0x05(Response) Sensor/Event
0x06(request), 0x07(Response) Application
0x08(request), 0x09(Response) Firmware Transfer
0x0A(request), 0x0B(Response) Non-volatile storage
0x0C(request), 0x0D(Response) Transport Media-specific configuration & control
0x0E- 0x2B Reserved
2Ch-2Dh Extension Non-IPMI group
2Eh-2Fh OEM/Non-IPMI group
30h-3Fh Controllerspecific OEM/Group
## Completion Code
0x00 Command Completed Normally
0xC0 Node Busy
0xC1 Invalid Command
0xC2 Command invalid for given NetFn
0xC3 Timeout
0xC4 Storage Out of space
0xC5 Reservation Canceled or Invalid Reservation ID
0xC6 Request data truncated
0xC7 Request data length invalid
0xC8 Request data field length limit exceeded
0xC9 Parameter/Data out of range
0xCA Cannot return number of requested data bytes
0xCB Requested Sensor, data, or record not present
0xCC Invalid data field in Request
0xCD Command illegal for specified sensor or record type
0xCE Command response could not be provided
0xCF Cannot execute duplicated request
0xD0 Command response could not be provided. SDR Repository in update mode.
0xD1 Command response could not be provided. Device in firmware update mode.
0xD2 Command response could not be provided. BMC initialization or
initializationagent in progress
0xD3 Destination unavailable
0xD4 Cannot execute command due to insufficient privilege level or other
securitybased restriction
0xD5 Cannot execute command. Command or parameter not supported in present
0xD6 Cannot execute command. Parameter is illegal
0xFF Unspecified error
0x01-0x7E OEM completion codes
0x80-0xBE Standard command-specific codes
0x7F, 0xBF, 0xD7-0xFE Reserved