Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Introduction of using GITHUB.
This are some of the simple setting or tutorial of using github. I will teach you the most simple command.

I will teach you: 
Push file in, add/ delete single folder, add multiply subdirectory.

I had written a slide, please take a took at it: GITHUB_SIMPLE

1)Create a Project (we called this a repositories )
we have to create an github account first before using this.
Go to your GITHUB webpage and create a new repositories .
We can create file on GITHUB page, but i reccomend used a utiity, which I'll introuce next.

2) Utility Introduce
It'll be really convenient when using a utility. You doesn't have to open web browser and upload your file or create folder. Most of the people coding ir creat a project on their own local laptop or PC. We can just sync from our local to the server by typing a few comment, then that's done.

3) Types of utility
There are three type of platfrom on GITHUB, you cn used either of this.

Window Desktop Source Tree

debian/ubuntu:  apt-get install git-core
Fedora/Redhat: yum install git-core

MAC: brew install git

NOTE: In my note I'll just used linux as an example,

4) Set up

your username:
#git config --global "YOUR NAME"
your email:
#git config --global "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"

your configure
#git config

5)Clone your repository into your local [command: git clone]

sample: git clone  http// 

 X: your username  
0:your repository name
# under Linux utility, create a directory 
mkdir GITHUB 
# clone repository from server to local and download it. Test is repository
git clone  http// 

6) Commit/Git push (add a new file) add a file in your local disk. Before Git Push we have to commit first. Every time you modify a file we have to commit; commit is to write description on what you modify to let you know

#go to test and create a file
touch 123456.txt
git commit -m "add file "
git push 

7)Add /delete folder[single]

Add folder
#create new folder 
mkdir testfolder 
#also create folder in gitserver 
add 'testfolder' 
#commit it 
git commit -am "Add testfolder" 
git push 
delete Folder
#delete new folder 
rm -rf testfolder 
#also delete folder in gitserver 
git rm -rf 'testfolder' 
#commit it 
git commit -m "Removed folder from repository"
git push 

8)add entire directory

# go into folder directory 
cd testfolder 
git add *
git commit -m "with the message"
git push

9) other command

Fork: when you coworj with other people, you go to their githib, and press fork
diff: is when you modify the file, you can see what's the different between previous

Setting config:

Chinese tutorial

Source tree tutoria Chinese

Thursday, January 7, 2016

online tools for webdesign planning

online tools for webdesign planning 
1. 14 Useful online tools for webdesign planning and prototyping.

2. 24 Free Mockup and Wireframe Tools for Web Designers

3.Recommend Some cool Site
