Thursday, December 17, 2020

scanning port (NMAP)



nmap -v -sT -T2 -Pn -p T:5060,111,65431,44318,4159,80,443,53 IPv4-Address

nmap -v -sT -T2 -Pn -p T:52224,705,111,51413,37915,4159,22,23 -6 IPv6-Address


nmap -v -sU -T2 -Pn -p U:1293,111,161,162,3000,5060,546,53  IPv4-Address

nmap -v -sU -T2 -Pn -p U:1293,111,2427,161,162,3000,546 -6  IPv6-Address

hping IP Flood attack to DUT

 1. Connect a LAN PC to DUT via ethernet. Do " ping -t" and access websites, can success.

2. Use hping3 command " hping3 -S -P -U --flood -V --rand-source DUT-IP" ( DUT's  IP) to attack DUT WAN IP.

3. After a while, no more than 1 minutes, LAN PC can not ping successfully, and can not access internet.

4. Use hping3 command "hping3 -1 --flood -V target" generate icmp flood to attack DUT WAN IP.

5. After a while, LAN PC can not ping successfully, and can not access internet.